Unai – Incoming transmission

Unai – Incoming transmission

Meanwhile this time, somewhere beyond the stars.

Two Heroes were supposed to die during one of the most ambitious nightmare in the galaxy. 

After being left for dead, the Captain Keeper achieved the impossible by saving Unai from the Hand Hunters. During this dangerous mission, he discovered the sad truth behind the legendary space teasure: the Homeless is not only the center of the Universe.

After this adventure, Keeper decided to protect Unai from the apocalypse, leaving the child on a hidden planet.

Unai, who feels abandoned, is now dreaming of new adventures. 

But not.



End of transmission..

Auteur/autrice : William-Arno Clément

Certains racontent qu'il est un androïde programmé spécialement pour parler de Star Wars. Il est rédacteur de ce blog et aime bien le JAVA.

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